Nikki, a free and courageous teenager, lives in a very distant galaxy, on Tisgo, a small inhospitable planet.
Nikki, a free and courageous teenager, lives in a very distant galaxy, on Tisgo, a small inhospitable planet. Her village, Umi, is struck by a mysterious disease that paralyzes its inhabitants. One day, as her father had done before her, Nikki leaves Umi in search of a cure for this disease. As she leaves, Nikki has no idea that she is plunging into the heart of a conflict that threatens not only those close to her… but the entire galaxy. As she goes through her adventures, overcoming her fears, her hesitations, her wounds and her innocence, Nikki will have to assume her destiny: she is the only solution to the divine rivalry that weighs on her universe. Here is the galactic epic of Nikki Hanno aka… MEKKA NIKKI!
Cartoon Forum Toulouse – September 2022
Félix Laurent, Exaheva
Squarefish, Hue Dada !
Bruno Merle, Jean-Rémi François, Sophie Decroisette
Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles