

En développement

The invisibility of the struggles of certain oppressed communities since the end of the eighteenth century in Europe.


Eraseds is a historical series that tells the story of the invisible struggles of certain oppressed communities since the end of the eighteenth century in Europe. Ten episodes covering as many countries and little-known sequences of our history. On screen, the series takes the form of a mixture of archive footage and animation. On sound, the story of this invisibilisation will be told by hip-hop artists from all over Europe.

With the support of

Region Bretagne
MEDIA Creative Europe

  • Production:

    Talweg, Artichoke, Squarefish

  • Author:

    Pierre Singaravélou

  • Musical direction:


  • Efface.e.s | documentaire | production squarefish
  • Efface.e.s | documentaire | production squarefish
  • Efface.e.s | documentaire | production squarefish
  • Efface.e.s | documentaire | production squarefish